Frequently asked Questions about the Quran

Frequently Asked Questions about the Qur’an
1.     What is the Qur'an, and who wrote it?

The Qur'an is the verbatim and literal word of God, revealed through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was not "written" by any human; rather, it was revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years. The Prophet conveyed these revelations to his companions, who memorized and recorded them. The Qur'an is divine guidance for all aspects of life, preserved exactly as it was revealed.

2.     How was the Qur'an revealed and compiled?

The Qur'an was revealed in segments over 23 years to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Revelations would address various events, questions, and challenges faced by the Prophet, and, by extension, the Muslim community. These revelations were memorised and meticulously recorded by the Prophet's companions. Today, billions read the Qur'an and millions have memorised it.

3.     How do I know it is from God?

The Qur'an stands as an unparalleled phenomenon in human history, holding the distinction of being the most widely read and memorised book of all time. No other book has been preserved in such a unique manner, with its words carefully passed down through both oral and written traditions for over 1400 years. Today, countless ancient manuscripts and inscriptions of the Qur'an exist worldwide, while millions of men, women, and children from diverse cultures and languages have memorised the same Qur'anic text.

The world of science belongs to the category of the 'created signs of God,' while His Divine Speech belongs to the 'revealed signs of God.' It is not surprising, therefore, that each time there is a breakthrough in unraveling the universe, our certainty increases that the One who created the universe is indeed the One who revealed the Qur’an.

The Qur’an contains over 6,000 verses with over 70,000 words and yet it is a fact that not a single verse contradicts any established scientific fact. The Qur'an addresses a wide range of topics that align with modern scientific discoveries, including the Big Bang theory, the expanding universe, the orbital movement of celestial bodies and the early universe as "smoke." The Qur'an also mentions geological and biological phenomena such as the role of mountains, the origin of life in water, and the duality in creation, the uniqueness of fingerprints, the skin's role in pain sensation and describes the precise and accurate sequence of human embryonic development. These recent discoveries were clearly stated in the Qur’an 1400 years ago.

4.     Could the Prophet Muhammad have authored it?

Firstly, the Prophet Muhammad was illiterate; he could neither read or write. Secondly, every book reflects the knowledge available to its author at a specific time, which becomes outdated as new information emerges, requiring revisions or rewrites. No human has ever written a book with absolute perfection or certainty of knowledge. Writers typically focus on specific subjects but it is impossible for anyone to cover a vast range of topics with both depth and accuracy.   

5. Why is the Qur'an only in Arabic? Can it be fully understood through translation?

The Qur'an is in Arabic because that is the language in which it was revealed, and its precise meanings and linguistic beauty are tied to the original language. While translations can convey general meanings, they cannot capture the full depth, nuances, or poetic structure of the Arabic text. Therefore, translations are considered interpretations rather than equivalents of the Qur'an.

6. What is the main message of the Qur'an?

The main message of the Qur'an is the oneness of God (Tawhid), the need to worship Him alone, and to live a life guided by righteousness, compassion, and justice. It calls humanity to recognize their Creator, follow His guidance for personal and societal well-being, and prepare for accountability in the Hereafter. It provides spiritual, moral, and legal guidance for individuals and communities.

7. Are the Bible and the Torah mentioned in the Qur'an?

Yes, the Qur'an recognizes the Bible and Torah as earlier revelations given to prophets like Jesus and Moses. It acknowledges their divine origin but also states that over time, some of their teachings were altered. The Qur'an is considered the final, unaltered revelation, confirming and correcting previous scriptures.

8. What are the Qur'anic views on Jesus, Moses, and other prophets?

The Qur'an honors Jesus, Moses, and other prophets as messengers of God who delivered His guidance to humanity. Jesus is regarded as a miraculous figure, born of the Virgin Mary, performing miracles by God’s will. However, the Qur'an denies his divinity, emphasizing that he, like all prophets, was a servant of God.

9. Why do Muslims memorize the Qur'an?

Memorization of the Qur'an, a practice called hifdh, ensures its preservation and allows Muslims to internalize its teachings. The tradition dates back to the Prophet Muhammad’s time, when his companions memorized the revelations. Today, millions of Muslims worldwide continue this practice, making the Qur'an the most memorized book in history.

10.  How do Muslims interpret the Qur'an differently?

While the core beliefs remain the same, interpretations of the Qur'an (called tafsir) can vary based on linguistic analysis, historical context, and scholarly approaches. Differences arise in understanding specific verses or applying them to contemporary issues, but all interpretations seek to remain faithful to the Qur’an’s message.

11.  What is the role of tafsir (exegesis) in understanding the Qur'an?

Tafsir provides explanations of the Qur'an’s meanings, considering linguistic, historical, and theological contexts. It helps readers understand complex verses, reconcile apparent contradictions, and apply teachings to modern life. Renowned scholars have written extensive tafsir works to guide Muslims in their study of the Qur'an.

12.  What is the difference between the Qur'an and the Hadith?

The Qur'an is the direct word of God, while the Hadith consists of the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad. The Hadith complements the Qur'an by providing practical examples of its teachings, helping Muslims apply them in daily life. Both are essential sources of Islamic guidance.

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