Global Da'wah Campaign

We're excited to announce the launch of our Global Da'wah Campaign, an effort to give Da'wah using the Qur'an across the globe and in multiple languages inshaAllah. As we embark on this journey, we need your support to make a lasting impact on the hearts and minds around the world. Donations will support:

1) The Qur'an (QP) Translation Project: Our flagship Da'wah publication in multiple languages:

- English
- Romanian
- Spanish 
- Russian
- French (German, Portugese, Mandarin and other major languages inshaAllah)
- Arabic Mushaf

2) Print high quality Da’wah Flyers - perfect for individuals, organisations, Masajid, Uni ISOCs, Da'wah stalls etc.

3) Marketing Campaigns, including Billboards, Advertisements etc

How you can help: Visit the campaign: to donate and share the link. 

🌙 PLEASE consider making this your Ramadan target by easily creating your own fundraising page linked to our campaign. It's very simple and only takes a few steps!