Keys to Success according to Ibn Qayyim

In Ibn Qayyim's book on Paradise [Hadi al-Arwah ila Bilad al-Arwah] and he discusses the key to Paradise, without which you cannot enter and made a summary of a few key concepts and the keys to them. Some of the KEYS he mentioned as follows:

The Key to:

Hajj- is Ihram

Birr- is Truthfulness

Jannah[heaven] - is Tawheed [belief in Oneness of God]

Knowledge- is Good questions and paying attention/listening

Help/victory- is Sabr [patience]

Increase blessings- is Shukr [give thanks and gratefulness]

Friendship and Love of God [Allah]- is Remembrance of God [Dhikr]

Tawfeeq [ability to do good]- Raghbah and Rahbah [Longing and Fear]

Longing for Akhirah- is having Zuhd [abstinence of this world]

Iman[faith] - is Tafaqur [Contemplating on creation of God and His Ayat]

Life in the heart- is contemplating on the Qur'an

Increase of Rizq[sustenance] - is Make much Istighfar [seeking forgiveness] and Taqwa

Having Honour- Obeying God and His Messenger

Key to all good- is longing to meet God

Key to all evil- is loving this Dunyah and having long/extending plans/hopes in this world.

Edited by A.B. al-Mehri

Reviews (2)


the ancient authors are genius enough that they still our source of knowledge!


The anciant authors are enough genius that we still learn from them


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