The Signs Before The Day Of Judgment

This book is an authoritative source on a matter of central importance to everyone: the events of the final period of this world's history The work is by Ibn Kathir. an eminent Muslim scholar and is based entirely Upon authentic texts. The many Ahadith or Traditions. The Blessed Prophet Muhammad (S) described the condition in which people would live in those times. Some of the developments foretold by the Prophet (S) have already come to pass such as the construction of high-rise buildings in the Middle East. also the frequent break up of family ties and the almost universal presence of usury. Numerous Ahadith of the Prophet(S) describe such matters as the Dajjal or Antichrist and other temptations and disasters to which mankind will be subjected to as the disintegration of the natural order of things accelerates. The Last Days are also marked by supernatural apparitions which will manifest on an awesome scale the power of Allah Almighty. For Muslims there can be no more urgent or momentous questions to confront than these. For non Muslims seeking knowledge about the Islamic perspective. This book presents material of vital importance in a clear English translation.

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