Thermodynamics and Evolution

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, a fundamental principle of physics, states that all systems left to themselves naturally tend toward disorder, dispersion, and decay over time. This universal law, also known as the "law of entropy," asserts that everything—whether living or non-living—inevitably wears out, deteriorates, and disintegrates. Ultimately, this process cannot be avoided, and it represents the unavoidable fate of all things in the universe.

This principle is evident in everyday life. For example, if you were to leave a car in a desert for years, you would not expect to find it in better condition upon your return. Instead, the tires would deflate, the chassis would rust, and the engine would cease to function. Similarly, living organisms age, decay, and eventually perish. The Second Law mathematically defines this natural tendency toward increasing disorder and provides a framework for understanding the process in physical terms.

Entropy, the key concept of this law, measures the level of disorder in a system. As a system progresses from an organized, structured state to a more disordered and random one, its entropy increases. This principle extends to the entire universe, which, according to the Second Law, is steadily moving toward greater chaos and disorganization.

The validity of this law has been confirmed both theoretically and experimentally. It is regarded as one of the most robust and universally accepted principles in science. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds in history, described the Second Law as the “premier law of all of science,” while Sir Arthur Eddington referred to it as the “supreme metaphysical law of the entire universe.”

The Second Law vs. Evolution

The theory of evolution, which posits that life originated and developed into increasingly complex forms through purely natural processes, stands in stark contradiction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolution claims that simple, disordered atoms and molecules spontaneously organized themselves into complex structures like proteins, DNA, and eventually living organisms. Over time, these structures supposedly evolved into countless species of extraordinary complexity.

However, the law of entropy reveals that systems naturally move toward greater disorder, not increased order or complexity. The notion that lifeless, disordered molecules could spontaneously arrange themselves into intricate, highly ordered structures contradicts this fundamental principle of physics.
Even proponents of evolution recognize this conflict. J.H. Rush acknowledges the paradox, noting that life’s increasing complexity stands in stark contrast to the Second Law’s tendency toward disorder. Similarly, Roger Lewin highlights this issue in Science, observing that evolution appears to contradict the law by producing greater order over time. George Stravropoulos, writing in American Scientist, goes further, emphasizing the thermodynamic impossibility of complex organic molecules forming spontaneously under natural conditions. According to Stravropoulos, such molecules are inherently unstable and would disintegrate rather than organize.

Misconceptions About Open Systems

Some evolutionists argue that the Second Law applies only to closed systems and that the Earth, as an open system receiving energy from the sun, is exempt. However, this claim is a misrepresentation of thermodynamic principles. The Harvard scientist John Ross, himself an evolutionist, has clarified that the Second Law applies equally to open systems, emphasizing that this common misconception must not be perpetuated.

An open system, by definition, allows the flow of energy and matter. While it is true that the Earth receives energy from the sun, the mere influx of energy does not suffice to create order. For energy to produce organization, there must be specific mechanisms to convert and utilize it effectively. For instance, a car requires an engine and related components to convert the energy in fuel into motion. Without such mechanisms, the energy remains unusable, and the system remains disordered.

The same principle applies to life. While sunlight provides energy, living organisms require extraordinarily complex mechanisms—such as photosynthesis in plants and digestion in animals—to harness and utilize this energy. These mechanisms themselves are highly intricate and cannot exist without pre-existing order. The question evolutionists must answer is how such sophisticated systems could have arisen spontaneously under primitive Earth conditions. Modern science, even with advanced technology, has been unable to replicate processes like photosynthesis, highlighting the implausibility of these systems forming by chance.

Energy Alone Is Insufficient

Simply introducing energy into a system does not create order. For example, high temperatures do not cause amino acids to spontaneously form into proteins, let alone assemble into the complex structures of living cells. Without highly specific mechanisms to direct and utilize energy, the input of energy alone is more likely to cause destruction than organization.

This reality presents a significant challenge to the theory of evolution. The complex, energy-converting mechanisms required for life could not have emerged without intelligent design. The spontaneous formation of such systems defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics, rendering evolutionary explanations scientifically untenable.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics stands as a formidable obstacle to the theory of evolution. It underscores the natural tendency of systems to move toward disorder, making the spontaneous emergence of highly ordered and complex life forms not only improbable but scientifically implausible. Attempts to reconcile evolution with the law of entropy often distort or oversimplify thermodynamic principles, failing to address the critical need for pre-existing mechanisms to direct energy toward order.

Ultimately, the contradiction between the Second Law and evolutionary theory highlights the limitations of naturalistic explanations for the origin and complexity of life. Rather than relying on speculative and scientifically unsupported scenarios, the evidence points to the necessity of an intelligent Creator who designed and sustains the intricate systems of life and the universe.

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